The churches, recognizable by a bright comet star on the entrance door, exhibit beautiful Nativities scenes.

The crib for Christians is the artistic re-enactment of the greatest event in history: the birth of Jesus, the “Savior of the World”, “God who became man and has come to live among us.”

It is a symbolic representation that visually presents important moral values ​​of the Christian humanism:

• the sacredness of the nascent human life, the maternity of woman and family;

• the equal dignity of the children of God;

• generosity in helping those in need, as virtues of the poor;

• peace and peaceful coexistence among different peoples;

• the acceptance of gifts brought by representatives of other peoples and cultures (the Magi from the Orient);

• respect and love for nature created by God (the sky, the countryside, the mountains, the streams depicted in the crib) and the animals, also called them to popularize the scene of the Nativity, to warm up Jesus’ with breath and keep him company.
